one of the reasons i hardly go in second life anymore

is the pompous attitudes from the other cyber world players


shop owners
script writers
and club owners

i think in all my time on the virtual world i've learn't
that people take it far to serious

i've had a business running for nearly 2 years and if things sell fine
if they dont im not really bothered

i dont allow my first life to be dominated by how many pennies i earn from a dieing cyber game
if i want to put money and food ..on my real life table

 i work

second life maybe have been a great place years ago to become rich *laffs*
 but nowadays its a pleasant hobby

that hopefully bring you in some linden spending money

once people purchase my items they can do what ever they dam well like with it

and most do

copy botting is alive and kicking.............even though people choose to pretend its being dealt with by linden labs it happens every day and items are passed around for all to freely enjoy

even top business avatars who've been in second life since it stated
 i've known copy-bot other designers 

i spend hours building
or creating items
i rent land
and i purchase items i like
and want around my cyber home

hunts are fun to do

and free gifts from shop owners and market place

are just a added nice bonus

second life is not real life
its ment to be a fun exploring --creative- virtual world...-friendly game

as a final note
as this blog states
i will post what i like as i have always done over the last few years
if i find good free items on other sites 
or on market place
or in a group ive joined
or on a hunt 

i advertise your business by blogging about your product or gift

i will pass it on and share it with other avatars/people who may enjoy the items to

some of the items only last for a limited time

i post enough infomation for people to go get the items for themselves

i am not connected with any paid or sponsored blog group
i do not advertise
 anything i find cheap or tacky or badly made

if you disagree with something please let me know and I'll remove the post

from this and other blogs i run
