seems to happen on second life's market place everytime i leave a a comment regarding a item from a certain seller they dissapear

so i go back and redo them and again they are deleted

so i was going to carry on leaving my comments but seeing as this seller seems to have some power of removal of comments or keeps shoving in tickets to   have my pemarks removed

 then ill just leave a comment on my own blog and in my second life profile

Meli Imako



you might sell some lovely well made mesh

at prices other sellers are gasping at and probably selling millions of your items



but your customer service stinks


if you thinking of spending your lindens *real life money*  

with this merchant be very carefull 

do not use the textures supplied and do read all the legal stuff on the web page 

before committing to buy:


on a last note

after i was told to destroy my work 

and items i'd purchased from market place 

from this seller


 i was refunded my money back


so i guess thats ok

i used it to go buy mesh items from sellers who had brilliant customer service 

nuff said





