i just cant seem to understand the new bloggers obsession with all loving mesh syndrome....
i finally downloaded the updated phoniex viewer so i could see people in mesh *mind you it is rather funny watching some baldy headed avatar swish past you with a giant box attached to their heads* ... and decided to go collecting mesh demos just to see if its as good as everyones saying it is
ok first impressions ...it hangs nice... and yes the hair doesnt dissapear into your chest when you move even though it does look a bit plasticy...i guess for taking photo's it'll be good....but theres one big problem
so when wearing boots/trousers and jumper all in mesh you have to decide which bits look most un attractive sticking out...if the garments dont fit your shape
i suppose i could always walk around backward and hope no-one sees my prim boobs or twinkley toes wiggling in the wind
and im certainly not going back to invisable prims on my shoes just so i can wear 1 badly fitting mesh garment
so it might be all the rage and it might cost a fortune
but im certainly not buying it at the moment...... ill wait till they sort out wearing multiple alpha layers and everyone is useing a mesh enabled viewer
mesh sort of reinds me of the story the kings new clothes
charge a fortune for it says its the new wonder material for cyber fashion and like monkey see .monkey will do and the shop till will ching with money
demo's of mesh clothing and hair in the trash.....and deleted ill stick with my cheap affordable flexi prims and sculpts thank you very much
and hope mesh clothing fades into history like bling scripts
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