FATEcreate Mesh Template Source Files

You can download the source files to 32 female and 19 male mesh templates, for free.  
- These are NOT to be resold as mesh templates.
- These can be modified and textured for use (and sale) in Second Life (or Cloud Party) as limited permission clothing only (again, NOT as templates)
- You can redistribute the .zip files as long as they remain intact and credit the original creator “Damien Fate”.
Neither Damien Fate nor Ferd Frederix will not be providing support for these files, as they are older files and not perfect, but they are a great starting point and learning tool for those still trying to wrap their head around mesh in Second Life.
All Files (50 MB)
Female Mesh Template Files (9 MB)
Male Mesh Template Files (6 MB)
Shadow maps (10MB)
Alpha textures (9MB)
UV maps (17 MB)

original site link

