We have
all heard of Aloe Vera and its amazing healing properties. We might even
grow an Aloe Vera plant to make sure it is always available in cases of
an emergency. But do you know that Aloe Vera is not just limited to
topical use. It is even more beneficial for our body internally. You
might’ve passed by the big, unappealing jar of Aloe Vera juice thinking
how gross it was. Well, don’t judge a book by its cover. Forget about
the sugary drinks that you are used to buying, give Aloe Vera juice a
try! Why? There is a huge number of important reasons to incorporate it
into our daily life. Number one, you can detoxify your body naturally
with Aloe Vera juice. Thus, drinking Aloe Vera juice should become
another healthy habit.
For over
6000 years Aloe Vera has been widely used to treat many health
aliments. The Egyptians called it the “plant of immortality” because
of its diverse applications for literally everything.
Aloe Vera Juice Benefits
Aloe vera juice is a mixture of almost 70 ingredients which include:
Nearly 20
minerals are found in Aloe Vera including: calcium, magnesium, zinc,
chromium, selenium, sodium, iron, potassium, copper and manganese.
These minerals act together to boost enzyme metabolic pathways. Minerals
such as zinc act as antioxidants in your body’s cells and increase
enzyme activity which ensures detoxification of metabolic wastes.
Aloe Vera
contains enzymes such as amylase and lipase, which when taken orally aid
digestion by breaking down fat and sugars. One particular enzyme,
Bradykinase, helps to reduce excessive inflammation.
Amino acids
Aloe Vera
juice has 20 of the 22 necessary amino acids required by the human
body. Aloe Vera also contains Salicylic acid which fights inflammations
and bacteria (as you know aspirin was formed on the basis of salicylic
Aloe Vera
is one of the few plants that contain vitamin B12 which is required for
the production of red blood cells. Aloe Vera contains many more
vitamins including A, C, E, folic acid, choline, B1, B2, B3 (niacin) and
B6. Vitamins A, C and E provide Aloe Vera’s antioxidant activity which
fight free radicals. Choline and B group vitamins are necessary for
amino acid metabolism.
Aloe mucilaginous polysaccharides (AMP)
are long chain sugar molecules composed of individual mannose and
glucose sugar molecules connected together. Around 200 of these AMP
ingredients are found in the Aloe Vera plant. They are the ones mostly
responsible for the healing properties of Aloe Vera. They perform many
key functions in your body. They act as anti-inflammatory agents; have
an anti-bacterial and anti-viral effect; enhance immune system functions
such as promoting tissue growth and improving cellular metabolism.
Aloe Vera Juice Benefits: How To Detoxify Your Body Naturally
Aloe Vera is
also one of the best body cleansers. It cleanses toxic matter from the
stomach, kidneys, spleen, bladder, liver, and is the most effective
colon cleanser. Multiple studies have proven that Aloe Vera juice
exhibits healing and soothing properties for the relief of indigestion,
stomach problems and even ulcers. Drinking Aloe juice will help your
body relieve tissue inflammation which often causes joint pain and even
arthritis. It strengthens the digestive tract, skin and has a great
effect on overall health. It is recommended to drink a full glass of Aloe Vera juice at least twice a day. The juice helps get rid of any waste products, thus detoxifying your body naturally.
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