my 10 Best remedies using aloe vera

1. Sunburn Remedy: Grab an ice cube tray and fill it in with aloe gel and freeze. These aloe vera ice cubes are great after too much sun exposure, bug bites, poison ivy, and even psoriasis. They provide extra relief from pain, redness, inflammation or itching. Applying the cooling aloe vera cubes to the bug bites or sunburn is definitely a relaxing and soothing experience.

2. Dandruff remedy: Mix a tbsp of lemon juice with 2 tbsp of pure aloe vera gel and use it as a hair mask. Apply the mask to the roots of your hair and let it sit for 30mins before you rinse off.

3. Reduce annoying pimples and help treat acne problems. Apply pure gel on your pores and skin after washing.

4. Razor burn: Aloe Vera is the best remedy to get rid of razor burn. The cooling properties of aloe vera helps soothe the razor burn instantly. You can apply aloe Vera gel on the affected places and also works as an aftershave agent.  

5. Tame frizzy Hair: Smooth a small amount of aloe vera gel on damp hair to tame frizzy hair and add an instant shine and softness to your hair.

6. Stretch Marks: The healing and soothing properties of aloe vera is effective in getting rid of stretch marks.  It will help in increasing cell growth that helps in the reduction of stretch marks. Apply pure aloe vera gel and massage it daily over the affected skin.

7. For dry, cracked feet: Try this ultimate beauty ingredient into a foot mask that makes dry, cracked feet baby soft. Mix together 4 Tbsp aloe vera gel, and 2tbsp of lemon juice. Rub all over tired feet until well exfoliated. Sit for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.  

8. Aloe vera Wrinkles Treatment: The aloe vera plant contains malic acid that helps reduce wrinkles by improving the elasticity of your skin and keep your skin hydrated.

9. Aloe Vera Dark Circle Cure: Aloe Vera has nourishing agent to condition and lock in moisture whilst helping to reduce puffiness and dark circles. Mix 2tbsp of aloe vera gel with a tbsp of almond oil and tore it in a small jar. Before bed, apply the gel under the eyes and let it work on the under eye circles overnight.

10. Aloe Vera Hair growth:  One of the most effective hair growth tips is to use Aloe Vera. Massage Aloe Vera into your scalp. Leave it on for an hour and then rinse with warm water for growing amazing long tresses.


Aloe Vera Soap Recipe



  • 14.9 oz coconut oil
  • 13.4 oz olive oil
  • 10.5 oz lard
  • 2.5 oz shea butter
  • 9.6 oz g aloe gel
  • 6.7 oz lye
  • 9.9 oz water
Follow standard soap making procedures: carefully add lye to the water and while it cools, heat up the oils until melted. When roughly around the same temperature, add the lye mixture to the oils, then add the aloe gel before trace. Mix well until the mixture thickens to the point of trace. Pour into mold, insulate and let it set for 24 to 48 hours.

 Unmold cut and let the soaps curing in a cookie rack for at least 4 weeks

Note: If you use aloe from your own plant – be sure to harvest only the clear gel from the leaves!

