Top 8 Essential Oils to Keep in Your Home

There are lots of essential oils available out there. And I’m the first to admit that I have several. But if you’re new to essential oils or you just want to keep it really simple these ARE THE  eight essential oils a must-have in your home:

1. Lavender

Widely known as the calming oil, lavender essential oil use is pretty mainstream. And for good reason. Lavender essential oil is great for soothing you when you’re stressed, calming down crazy kiddos and helping you ease into peaceful sleep. But did you also know it’s great for burns? And that it soothes irritated skin? It even takes the sting out of bug bites and makes for some great headache relief.
Ways to Use …
  • Add 5 to 8 drops (depending on your preference) to 2 oz. of water in a mini spray bottle and spritz on pillows and linens before bed.
  • Mix 2 drops each lavender and frankincense in 1 tablespoon coconut oil and apply to temples to take away headaches and relieve stress.
  • Apply neat (undiluted) to fresh cuts, scrapes and wounds to speed healing and kill bacteria.
  • Add 5 drops to a homemade cleaner for antibacterial properties.
  • Diffuse 5 drops in your house to promote peace and calm.
  • Add 2 to 3 drops to one cup of epsom salts and stir into a hot bath for extra relaxation.

2. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus essential oil is antimicrobial and makes a wonderful addition to any homemade cleaning recipe. It’s also used as an expectorant and can be diffused in the air for respiratory issues.
Ways to Use …
  • Add 10 drops of eucalyptus essential oil, 2 tablespoons of liquid castile soap and hot water to the mop bucket to clean your floor.
  • Add 2 to 3 drops eucalyptus to 1 tablespoon coconut oil and rub into your chest when you have a cold.
  • Add 5 drops to your diffuser to clean and freshen the air.
  • Add 5 drops each of eucalyptus and tea tree oil to a 16 oz. glass spray bottle full of water and spray down your shower after each use to inhibit mold growth.
  • Mix 3 to 4 drops into your pet’s shampoo to keep away fleas.

3. Lemon

Lemon is the ultimate degunkifier. Not only will it get the gunk off of your dishes and surfaces, but if you’ve got a congested chest or gunky throat, it will take care of that as well.
Ways to Use …
  • Add 1 drop to 1 teaspoon of honey to soothe a dry or sore throat.
  • Diffuse 5 drops in a room to kill nasty odors and to lift your mood.
  • Apply 1 to 2 drops neat to remove sticky residue (either from your hands or surfaces).
  • Use 3 to 5 drops neat to remove gum from fabric (or hair).
  • Mix 5 drops with 4 oz. unscented liquid dish soap for extra grease-cutting action.
Apply topically with caution if you’re putting it on skin that will be exposed to the sun – it may cause sensitivity.

4. Peppermint

Peppermint can be used to help relieve nausea, increase energy and ease headaches.
Ways to Use …
  • Apply 1 drop to temples and forehead to relieve pain. Don’t get it in your eyes. Trust me.
  • Add 5 to 7 drops to a 16 oz. glass spray bottle of water and use as a cooling spritz when it’s hot out.
  • Inhale deeply from the bottle to relieve nausea.
  • Apply 1 to 2 drops to the bottoms of feet to reduce fevers.
  • Add 5 to 7 drops to a 16 oz. glass spray bottle full of water and spray around molding to keep pests out.
  • Combine lavender and peppermint to make  A super simple balm.
Don’t get it in your eyes!

5. Frankincense

Yes, frankincense is a pricier oil, but there’s a reason for the saying, “If in doubt, use frankincense.” I use it regularly to relieve stress and deal with any headaches that might pop up. It also gets added to my baths with lavender and epsom salts for a super relaxing experience.
Ways to Use …
  • Apply 1 drop to minor cuts to speed healing and relieve pain.
  • Apply 1 drop to bug bites and stings for immediate pain and itch relief.
  • Apply to temples with lavender to relieve stress and headaches.
  • Apply 1 drop to the temples or bottoms of the feet daily for immune system support.
  • Apply 1 to 2 drops neat to scars on a daily basis to reduce their appearance.
  • Massage 2 drops mixed with 1 tablespoon coconut oil to soothe painful muscles and joints.

6. Tea Tree

Tea tree essential oil is a must in any home. Its antibacterial and antifungal properties make it a powerful addition to homemade cleaners. And its skin-soothing properties work wonders on rashes and owies.
Ways to Use …
  • Apply 1 to 2 drops neat around the base of the ear to treat ear infections naturally. (This is the only reason I’ll use it on my kids, otherwise I keep it out of their reach – make sure they do not ingest it.)
  • Apply 1 drop neat on skin rashes to stop itching.
  • Add 1 to 2 drops to your homemade shampoo and hair rinse.
  • Add 5 drops to cleaning spray recipes to help kill germs.
  • Apply 2 to 3 drops diluted in 1 tablespoon coconut oil to toes and feet twice a day to stop athlete’s foot.

7. Oregano

While oregano essential oil makes few appearances in our home, it’s still a must-have. Oregano has powerful antibacterial properties, and, while it will leave you smelling like pizza, it’s great at helping your body fight illness.
Ways to Use …
  • Dilute 2 drops in 1 tablespoon coconut oil and rub onto toenails plagued with stubborn fungus twice a day until its gone.
  • Dilute 2 drops in 1 tablespoon coconut oil and dab on skin tags to remove them.
  • Apply 1 to 2 drops, diluted, to the bottoms of the feet when you’re fighting a bacterial infection (every 4 to 6 hours).
  • Add 1 to 2 drops to homemade cleaners for potent germ-killing properties,
Avoid during pregnancy and always dilute before using.

8. Wild Orange

While you’d probably want to use wild orange for its amazing smell alone (I know I do), you’ll be pleased to find that it’s got a lot of great properties. It’s antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, sedative (seriously!) and used for digestive upset.
Ways to Use …
  • Mix 1 drop with 1 tablespoon coconut oil and rub onto an infant’s upset tummy for relief (a stronger mix can also be used on adults).
  • Massage 2 to 3 drops mixed with 1 tablespoon coconut oil onto the chest at the onset of a cold.
  • Diffuse 3 drops wild orange and 2 drops lavender for a soothing effect (and amazing smell).
  • Diffuse 5 drops in any room to kill bacteria.
  • Mix 3 drops wild orange, 3 drops peppermint and 20 drops liquid carrier oil in a roller bottle. and rub on the back of the neck for help with focus.
If applying to skin, wait at least 6 hours before sun exposure as it can cause photo sensitivity.
